Making group claims work for everyone

David Standard, Chief Marketing Officer at Find Others and former director of marketing at the law firm Leigh Day, talks about the effect litigation funding has had on marketing group claims, what law firms need to do to compete, and how digital activism can help law firms to meet consumer demand.

The injection of litigation funding into the UK legal market has had a restorative effect on firms fighting for the ‘common man’, causing a welcome deluge after years of drought in the fight for equality of arms for the consumer.

This funding has brought about new challenges for law firms while levelling the playing field. As multi-party actions become a more significant part of their business model, many firms have been required to alter their internal structures, challenge existing systems, and redefine their departments.

Although the funding of these claims is based on case economics and the astute opinion of Counsel, one of the most critical questions is often overlooked: Can we get the numbers, the bookbuild, that we need to make this claim viable?

A successful marketing campaign can be as much of a curse internally as it is a success externally.

For this reason, it is essential to speak to a marketing expert or your internal marketing department from the inception of a case. They can work with you to consider the possibility of its success. 

Of course, a successful marketing campaign can be as much of a curse internally as it is a success externally.

Many law firms’ internal IT systems were not designed for the needs of modern-day consumer management. Unsurprisingly, this often leads to frustration from within the legal team and, even worse, frustration voiced publicly by clients.

Digital platforms have quickly tried to provide the solution, but none until now have successfully constructed the bridge from a campaign platform to online legal claim management.

Find Others, financially supported by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, provides a platform for campaigners and lawyers to create campaigns that can be made live in minutes. 

Both lawyers and campaigners can now begin to create legal actions online; individuals are able to find a lawyer through the platform via the search option or digitally raising a hand to seek representation.

It has the digital toolkit you’d expect from a leading technology start-up whose last venture, for online ticketing, was swiftly snapped up by Sky in 2016.

Both lawyers and campaigners can now begin to create legal actions online; individuals are able to find a lawyer through the platform via the search option or digitally raising a hand to seek representation.

Find Others also provides tools for creating petitions, which can be hosted on the platform or the Government website. This latter option is unique to the platform and far more potent for effectuating tangible change than many other petition-only sites.

Lawyers can join the platform through a simple subscription model, allowing them to create their own public and private campaigns through a competitive price model is part of an effort to keep the cost of group litigation down for lawyers and funders.

By combining everything onto one platform, Find Others seeks to be the campaigner’s bridge from struggle and injustice to real legal action. The platform provides case management tools for lawyers to run and manage claims far more economically, with all the consumer-friendly technology attached.

To find out more visit For a demonstration of our site, or to discuss marketing group claims with David, please click this link.


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