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Find Others awarded Innovate UK funding to conduct research into EU and US markets

Photo by Timo Wielink on Unsplash

Find Others is one of the companies awarded government funding from Innovate UK, through its Global Cooperation Feasibility Studies Competition.

Co-founder of Find Others, Amar Chauhan, said he was delighted to be awarded the funding as it would enable the company to explore outside the UK legal marketplace.

Amar said: “The funding from Innovate UK emphasises the importance of international engagement as the global need for collective actions to hold organisations and governments to account increases.

“We intend to use this investment to conduct research into establishing international networks and partnerships.”


What is Innovate UK?

Innovate UK is an agency funded by the UK government to accelerate the growth and success of start-up businesses like Find Others by helping them to develop their innovative ideas and transform them into tangible products and services. 

Specifically, it provides funding for business and research collaborations, connects businesses to investors, and uses business investment for research and development. 


What is the Global Cooperation Feasibility Studies Competition?

The Global Cooperation Feasibility Studies Competition is led by Innovate UK. It is aimed to financially support innovative businesses, allowing them to conduct international feasibility studies. 

The prize fund emphasises the importance of global engagement and focuses on developing robust, innovative ideas.


Exploring markets outside the UK

Co-founder at Find Others, Georgina Hollis explained how the financial support will fund three months of research into the viability of providing support to claimants and law firms outside of the UK. 

Find Others will be talking with law firms, funders and consumer advocates in both the EU and US to look at ways to adapt their technology to these markets.. 

Georgina said: “We will conduct our research during the early months of 2022, and we are already examining the new EU Directive on collective actions as we seek to build partnerships to adapt technology for the EU market. 

“We’re also excited to announce that we will be researching and exploring the US market - the largest litigation market in the world.”

Find Others is currently speaking to a number of law firms, funders and advocates across Europe and the United States. If you would like to speak to Find Others to discuss how the Find Others platform could benefit your firm or your fight, please get in touch with Georgina Hollis at