How to communicate with your supporters

Image of a megaphone

Engaging with your supporters regularly is the best thing you can do to encourage them to stay involved with your campaign. By rallying together and promoting calls to action, you will motivate your followers to join you with your endeavour and take the next step towards legal action. Find Others helps you keep your supporters in the know by notifying them with any updates and providing you with the option to speak with them individually. 

This article details every way you can connect and communicate with your followers on Find Others, including posting campaign updates, adding to your Press Hub, and making your campaign private. 

From lobbying politicians to sharing your content across their social channels, motivate your supporters to take action and help your campaign succeed.

Campaign updates are the best way to alert your supporters

If you want to reach every supporter of your campaign, the first thing you should do is post an update. The update will be pinned to your campaign homepage for all to see, and this will instantly send a notification to your followers’ inboxes.

You can customise this feature however you like. You first choose whether you’d like your update to be public for everyone in your campaign to view or private for just a few followers. Then, add a title, add your text, and add an image if you’d like to. This is by far the best method you to use for quickly reaching all your supporters at once with a message directly from you. Use this feature to notify your supporters of any crucial information they need to keep up with your campaign.

Image of a group of people working together

The Press Hub

The press hub on your campaign page acts as a live newspaper, showing headlines that closely relate to your issue. 

This feature gives your supporters material to read around your issue, keeping them up to date with important information surrounding your campaign.

Rally your followers by adding as many news stories as you can — it will give the impression your issue is currently generating lots of coverage and discussion. This will push more people to share your campaign. Get people talking!


Another way to boost your campaign and give it official legal substance is to add a petition, especially one linked to the government website.

If you acquire enough signatures, your campaign could end up being discussed in parliament! So, if you're keen for MPs to debate your topic live in the chamber, read our article How linking a UK government petition to your campaign can help your cause.

Image of people protesting

Social links

A quick way to communicate with others is through social media platforms. Your campaign page has a feature that acts as a hub for all your related social media. List them all here to update your supporters on every corner of the internet.

We also have an article you can read to help you use social media to gain mass exposure for your campaign, which you can find here.

Image of megaphone and social media on a screen

Make your campaign private

Want to rally a small group of individuals who can share private information? Make yourself a Private Campaign.

It’s exactly the same as a standard campaign, but only the people you choose can join via an invite automatically sent to their email. Not everyone needs to know what you’re sharing — keeping sensitive data from the public eye does have its benefits.

Maybe you’d like to plan strategies to propel your movement forward before you go public?

Or perhaps you only want to share sensitive information with a select few people.

In private mode, you can create a smaller, more intimate community. Your messages are more likely to reach a smaller group of people, and you can be free in what you say, knowing your words aren’t in public view.

You can switch from private to public at any time. However, you should note that when switching to private:

  • Any existing campaign supporters will no longer have access to this campaign and must be re-invited to join

  • If your campaign has been live in public mode, it may still appear in third-party search engines such as Google or Bing as this is outside of Find Others’ control

  • You will need to manage an invite list

  • Your audience will be limited to people within your own network.

You now know how to engage with your supporters and encourage them to lobby for change with you. If you believe you or someone you know is a victim of any wrongdoing, Find Others will help you seek justice. Real change can happen in the world when people who are affected by the same issue rally together. Visit our website to transform your issue into an active campaign and find others to get on board.


How to find supporters for your campaign


What types of claims can I put on Find Others?